Who had a fabulous time at Berkeley School?
These girls!...
The highlight of the afternoon? One student raised his hand and told us that bullies are the ones who should feel different and left out--because there are fewer people who want to be bullies and make people feel bad. We don't anyone to feel left out, but the idea that the inner power we want kids to own should not be willingly handed over to a bully was well said and very encouraging!
We read selections from Reluctant Hero and Head in the Game, spoke about Ned's good qualities and flaws, introduced "mental martial arts" through the seven virtues of Bushido, explained that nobody has to accept the labels others give them, and demonstrated some karate drills and katas.
Thank you so much, Berkeley PSO, for inviting us, to the staff and students who made us feel so welcome, and to the many parents who purchased our books!